"A podcast is an audio recording that is saved as an MP3 file and made available on the Internet through RSS." (Crismond, Howland, Jonassen Marra pg. 160) Users can subscribe to a users podcasts or just simply choose any random users content that they choose to listen to. It enables anyone to be an independent producer and distributor of audio or video content that can be offered through the internet. It could be used in class for a simple group project. The teacher could subscribe to their podcast and listen to it and give them a grade on that. The students could subscribe to the teachers podcast and the teacher could put each lecture online for the student to make sure they didn't miss anything. There are many uses that podcasting could be used for in the classroom.
Podcasting is similar to other Web 2.0 applications we've discovered in this class because it does not require face to face communication. These have all been online applications and have been very interesting to learn about. It is different because it is more broad. Anyone can subscribe to a podcast and the user will never know how the subscribers feel about their podcast. The subscriber could give a reply via making their own podcast which would be very interesting and a great use of technology in my opinion.
I do own an Ipod and I only use it for music. I use it nearly everyday because I love music. I am honestly not very interested in what some people have to say. I looked at podcasts and some of it just seemed ignorant. I do think it could be very useful in a classroom setting though. I would use it in the classroom like I stated in the paragraph above. It would be a tool that could be used to be a review over the lecture or to capture the highlights of the lesson. Plus it could be used as an interactive activity between the teacher and the student by having the teacher subscribe to the students podcasts. I do not see any disadvantages in podcasting if you use it for a reviewing tool and not just to base the whole classroom on podcasting. The teacher can subscribe to the students and the teacher can put "Attention: John Doe" if they need to get a certain students attention. I think it could be a very useful tool.
Meaningful Learning with Technology, 2008. Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., and Crismond, D.