Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Assessment and E-Portfolio

In order to evaluate authentic learning, we must use authentic assessments (Crismond, Howland, Jonassen, Marra, 2008, pg. 218).  An assessment can be a test (TAKS), quiz over a chapter, a discussion activity or even a poster or presentation.  I believe that this helps the student show the teacher what they learn and what skills they have acquired during the timeline the assessment is assigned over.  It also helps the teacher because if the student is not grasping the subject, the teacher can most likely help them with whatever is troubling the student.  It's a great tool in the learning process.

E-portfolios are a collection of digitized artifacts that may include clips, graphics, sound, writing samples, artwork, and multimedia presentation (Crismond, Howland, Jonassen, Marra, 2008, pg. 220). They may also represent the successes and accomplishments of learners. They exhibit students' efforts and progress as well.  It helps teachers because it could help them understand the students learning and it also aides the teacher in monitoring the students progress.  Computer-based tests are taken on the computer or with computer-scored tests. These tests can get you a more accurate or quicker grade back rather than turning it in to a teacher.  It avoids the possibility of human error.  I believe that the use of computer-based tests don't impact reliability or validity, if they do, it's very small.  Most people in this day and age that are going to school know how to use a computer and computers are accurate for the most part.  The test giver would have some kind of training in giving the computer-based tests. For the most part, paper given tests and computer-based tests would give back the same results.

I believe that an e-portfolio would be very useful in a math class. Programs like Mathematica would be very useful in adding the information to an e-portfolio.  I would like to monitor my students and make sure they are making good progress.  Although it would be more simple in my opinion to just give in class tests and do board activities in a math classroom, I think e-portfolios are a good use of technology and could possibly be very useful. Assessments are necessary for education.  There is no way of possibly knowing if your student is understanding the material unless assignments and tests are being given in some manner.  These assessments in the form of a quiz or test could and in my opinion, should be given in a computer-based testing format.  I believe that computer-based testing is where the education world is headed.  I don't see a problem with it honestly.  I can't tell you how many times I had to take my test or quiz back to the teacher because there was an error in grading.  In my opinion, computer-based testing would be a lot quicker and could possibly be easier on the student and also more environment friendly.


Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassen, D., Marra, R. M.  (2008).  Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.


  1. Bradley,

    I can also anticipate that education is headed to computer-based testing since e-learning has increased a lot recently. Let's hope that as this concept progresses, it will become more accurate, proficient, and reliable for grading because if there are errors in grading for classroom testing, there could be different effects in grading for computer-based testing due to unexpected technical issues which of course could take longer to fix.

    While some students may not do well in math, e-portfolios may serve as a learning tool to improve their math skills or to strengthen the skills of those who are advanced in the subject. I would really panic if I had to do a math portfolio just because I know math is not one of my strengths, but I would embrace the activity looking forward to overcome weaknesses in learning and to identify the areas I could need improvement on.

  2. I agree with what you said about assessments being necessary for education. There simply must be evaluations done in order to see if students are understanding the topics that we are teaching. Otherwise we will not be able to evaluate ourselves as teachers to know if we need to change our teaching styles or work with a particular student on a one on one basis. I particularly like the idea of using clickers in the classroom. A teacher can ask a question to the class and as the student answers it the teacher will get an immediate summary of their responses. They can use that information to evaluate how well students are learning and how well they are doing at teaching.

    Mike Burkard

  3. There is no question that assessments will always be necessary. As much as we typically do not like them, they are just a part of education. As you have stated, they are a quick and valid way for the teacher to assess the progress and knowledge of each student. E-portfolios are also a great way to do this. I really like what you have said about the teacher being able to follow the effort and progression of each student through the e-portfolios. I believe this could be very helpful to teachers so they are easily able to see any difficulties their students are having and can see them immediately.

  4. Well said! I agree with you that e-portfolios would be a useful tool for a math class. Anytime we can integrate technology into our lesson will help our students in their future.
